Unlock Media Literacy & Digital Wellness in Every Grade!

Welcome to a journey through digital wellness and citizenship! As an experienced educator with over 21 years in the classroom, I've crafted a sequence tailored for Grades K-8. I wanted everyone to be able to have access to a resource to get the ball rolling in their classroom or home. Use this as your starting point for creating a hefty program in digital literacy. This resource encompasses crucial topics such as AI, digital wellness, digital citizenship, privacy & safety, and media literacy, including questions, activities and more than 10 printouts and/or slides.

And the best news is, as I update the resource, you'll always have the live link to see!

*If you're a school looking to buy multiple copies for your staff and classrooms, please contact me directly.

Price: $5.00

Price: $12.99

Help Them Take Control of Their Digital Lives

What's Inside the Scope and Sequence?

🧠 Age-Appropriate Curriculum: Carefully designed for each grade level, ensuring content relevance and engagement. I've provided questions as well as activity ideas and/or a printout to help engage the learning.

📚 Holistic Approach: We cover the spectrum — from fostering healthy digital habits to understanding the intricacies of online privacy and AI. I've used research and advice from teachers and EdTech specialists to help come up with the questions most often asked.

🌐 Digital Citizenship Essentials: Equip your students with the skills needed to thrive in today's digital landscape. There are a lot of tools out there for teaching digital citizenship, and I've been through many of them! I've curated many thoughts and ideas and narrowed them down to what I would want my students to know first.

Price: $5.00

What Industry Leaders Are Saying

"Heather is a fantastic advocate in the digital citizenship and digital well-being community. She has been a part of a select group of Common Sense Ambassadors, a group of educators in Common Sense Education who help spread a culture of digital citizenship and well-being in schools by training teachers, teaching students, and engaging parents and families."

Kelly Mendoza

Vice President Education Programs at Common Sense Education

"Heather is passionate about the digital well-being of youth and focused on using reliable data to inform her practices!"

Justin Patchin

Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center

"Heather is a hard working, friendly and energetic educator that gives 100% at all times. She goes above and beyond and thrives in leading in the space of digital wellbeing. Heather would be an asset to any school looking for highly experienced and talented educators and leaders."

Craig Kemp

Co-Founder at EduSpark

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